Retouching, Imaging, Restoration and Art

For this image I color balanced the image, cleaned the complexion, altered the jowl, eyebrows and neck, fixed and whitened the teeth, cleaned and brightened the eyes, colored the roots of hair, got rid of shadow on wall and added a sutle lighting ratio.

This is an example of liquifying and reshaping. 

An example of cleaning the complexion and softening the background so it is not distracting.

Original image supplied
For Thames Talent - Deep Purple

Promo One
For Thames Talent - Deep Purple

Promo Two
For Thames Talent - Deep Purple

For Noble Chocolates & Sweetpetites I photographed, imaged and retouched several of the cups and placed them  into other photos and on their packaging.

This is an example of the what goes into most of my architectural images. They are High Dynamic Range color corrected images. Capturing a full range of what the eye sees. Then I correct perspective and lens distortions.

In this image a smaller mirror was in place than the designer had ordered so
I enlarged it to size. The stain-glass counter was not finished at the time of the assignment so I was asked to digitally create what it was to look like.

Here the room was corrected for color temperature differences 

Here are 2 examples of photos a client supplied and asked me to image and create new backgrounds

Digitally created what  the new model will look like from the old. 


These are 2 of 6 versions of posterization that I created and was displayed at the NY Javitz Center
They were 40" x 40". 

This was created for fun using 2 images that I took years apart.
The fist was just the toad stool and the second was from an old testing with a model in my studio.

This was created for fun using the image above and a few others.